Thursday, November 26, 2009

File Under... Fan Art

The Intelligence: Boredom and Terror. Drawn with marker on a t-shirt. Love it.

File Under... Idea Book

Headphone jacks in movie theaters.

Just like the ones in airplanes. That way a person could bring their own headphones (noise canceling if you like) and be less bothered by the people nearby crinkling candy wrappers. If the theater wanted to also sell headphones (like the airlines do) more power to them.

File Under... Idea Book

Here's another idea from the old idea book: rubber Legos. Not a big change really - same old classic wonderful lego shapes, just rubber instead of hard plastic. Just so we can make curved surfaces for groin vaults, skulls, ancient Mayan calendars, whatever.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

File Under... Musics

This video comes from the MySpace page of one of my favorite bands: The Intelligence. It's not one of theirs, but they like it, and, I like it and I hope you like it too. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

File Under... Vacuous Conversation

Overheard on New Jersey Transit

Its so hot in here. I'm so hot. Gina's party was so hot. I'm so hot.

File Under... Colossi

Shadow of the Colossus - one of the greatest video games ever made, may become a movie soon. AND there are rumors of a Shadow of the Colossus 2 as well. So many colossi.

File Under... Song Lyrics (for songs that don't exist)

Hello friend,
are you sleeping?
We like the way you sleep,
as if you are sleeping.
Your face.
Hello. We are with you.

Have you seen our ship?
Have you seen our ghost ship
on the horizon?
Sliding, slow, slowly now,
We are on the horizon.
Have you seen us?

File Under... Idea Book

Someone should make doughnuts in the shapes of letters. That way you could buy whole sentences made out of doughnuts.

File Under... Vacuous Conversation

Overheard on the street:

guy : ...because I fell in love.
girl : with Cooper?
guy : I don't know anyone named Cooper.
girl : you fell in love with someone NOT named Cooper?