Monday, March 8, 2010

File Under... Photoshop Geek-out

Warp Transform (again)

This is something that's been driving me crazy ever since the Warp Transform function was added to Photoshop.

When using the standard transform tool, you can immediately transform something else in exactly the same way with "Transform> Again". It's very helpful especially if the piece you need to transform is spread out over several layers or if there are masks in other places related to the transformed piece that need to match.

I love the Warp Transform function. I use it all the time. But I find it so frustrating that there's no "Warp Transform> Again" function. I learned today that it can be done. Here's how you do it:

Just before you preform the Warp, record a new action. When you're finished warping stop recording the action. Now, to "Warp Transform> Again" all you have to do is play the action on whatever you want to match. It's elegant in it's simplicity. The nice bonus is that you don't have to perform the Again part of it immediately after, like you do with the standard Transform function. Since it's an action, you can play it whenever you want.

Thanks to Tom for this one. (Thanks Tom!)

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